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TÜBITAK Project Competition for High School Students

TÜBITAK Project Competition for High School Students

In 9th Grade, one of my friends and I had an idea, actually it was more of a possible formula for a mathematical problem. We wanted to prove that no matter how many numbers there were in a set, the number of it's subsets (composed of numbers that form an arithmetic sequence) can be found; so we've tried to create a formula in order to do this and it worked.

We've worked for hours on end on this project regardless of our holidays and weekends. We weren't obliged to do this project but we did it because we loved to explore new things everyday and we were actually figuring out how other formulas were found in mathematics. Step by step, we reached our goal by thinking about all the possibilities, coming up with new variables for these possibilities, eliminating exceptions by altering our formula and most importantly by trail and error. Our mentors in this project, were also discovering with us because this formula didn't exist before. They gave us hints and ways to discover and try out different things while striving for our goal of creating this formula.

After all the weekends we've spent in school, working relentlessly on this project, whether it is about the struggle of reaching sensible conclusions, the conciseness of the report or the presentation of this project, our efforts were worth it. We passed the pre-selections and earned the privilege to participate in TUBITAK Project Competition for High School Students Istanbul Regional. We became 3rd in Istanbul Regional in the category of Math among 155 projects and got a prize of 400 Turkish Liras.