1 min read

Follow Your Curiosity, Not Your Passion

Follow Your Curiosity, Not Your Passion

Most people don't know what their passion is, others have too many of them. People get frustrated when they hear the sentence: "Follow your passion." Because they feel pressured for not having found out what their passion is.

It doesn't have to be hard. Following your curiosity paves a more enjoyable path in which you don't feel as pressured to have it all figured out. You are, by definition, figuring life out while following your curiosity.

I see passion as an extension of curiosity. You should follow your curiosity prior to following your passion(s) in order to discover your passion(s) in the first place.

Passion vs Curiosity

Passion devalues the importance of unpleasant work that is required to achieve extraordinary things. Passion incentivizes us to do something so long as it's pleasurable to do. It decreases the level of endurance for hardships. It turns us into hedonistic creatures.

Curiosity, on the other hand, is more innate than passion. Passion generally develops when we are good at something. Curiosity develops when we are not. By adopting a curious lifestyle, we also adopt a life of humility and lifelong learning.