Quality of Wisdom Or Quantity of Knowledge? What Do You Prefer?

As of 21st of April 2022, I won't be posting the books I read on Goodreads regularly because I've realized that more often than not, I like to spend days, weeks, sometimes even months trying to find the best books and in the process, I go over a multitude of books. Trying to quantify the number of books I read or even keeping track of whether or not I finished a book is simply detrimental to the process of actually learning and absorbing the contents of the book. I even sometimes just follow through a train of thought and if the book I'm currently reading sidetracks, I switch books to continue on the same train of thought. Therefore, I believe that it's best to measure the quality of ideas and wisdom in the whole corpus of books I read as an internal reward function rather than the quantity of them.

I guess one can argue that the quantity of knowledge leads to the quality of wisdom with enough reflection and pattern-recognition.

I'm curious about what you think about this. Do you believe that there is something to be gained by increasing the sheer amount of books you devour? Or does it suffice to focus on hall-of-fame books and move on?

DIKW Pyramid - Wisdom > Knowledge